Students say “I think I saw a ghost!”

Candy Flores, Reporter

Courtesy of YouTube
Many ghost sightings end up being hoaxes like these. But, some students swear they’ve seen spirits.

Many people say that they have seen a ghost, but do you always believe them?  Well, sure, because they’re cool and scary.  But, here are some people who claim to have really encountered paranormal activity.

According to sources, there are many rumor’s that a former teacher had died in his class also; another former theater teacher died when trying to test the curtains for the production of “West Side Story.”  There were complications and he hung himself in the process but who knows, many say it was suicide.

“One time I heard footsteps in my attic so the curious guy I am, I went to go check it out and there were things on the floor like pictures of my family.  Suddenly someone or something rolled a ball at me and I ran out of the attic as quick as a lightning bolt strike the earth.  After that, I never opened it again,” freshman Jonathan Flores said.

As others fellow students experienced something haunting in Cicero, other students just are to perfect and never experienced paranormal activity in their life.

“Nothing really scary happen to me as I can recall, and hopefully never experience it eithers” senior Katie Rodriguez said.

Others may say they heard family seen a ghost in their home.

“My mom told me to never go to the basement because something evil is haunting the basement. I never believed her, but I won’t go down there because I always hear whispers and plus, I’m too scared to go myself. She might be lying who knows, don’t want to test it,” sophomore Ashley Moralez said.