Kevin Sanchez
Kevin Sanchez goes to the gym all summer.
According to Chat GPT “5 Facts about working out” Exercise is beneficial for our Mental Health, Exercising can help reduce Depression and anxiety and also boost your mood , Exercising is also beneficial because it stimulates the release of endorphins which are natural mood filters. Another interesting fact about exercising is that muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. This means that the more muscle that you have the higher your resting metabolic rate would be which will make it easier to maintain or lose weight. Also, while you stop working out your body continues to burn calories even when you stopped exercising. Regular strength training can also be very beneficial for your body because it can help prevent age-related muscle loss maintain muscle strength and help function. A Random survey At Morton East Frankfother’s first-hour Journalism class shows that 45% of students attended the gym over the summer and 16% of the students didn’t.
“If you want something you’ve never had you must be willing to do something you’ve never done,” said student Kevin Sanchez.
Trying something new often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and facing new things. When you conquer the fear of the unknown things and succeed in trying a new exercise, you gain confidence in your ability to tackle other challenges in life.
“I like working out because it makes me feel stronger & is a boost of confidence,” said student Gianelle Virella.
She is not the only one who gets a confidence boost after a workout. According to chat gpt, Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in your brain. Exercising can also provide a sense of accomplishment.