Students take to the roads, air over break

Monzerrath Garay, Reporter

The majority of students at Morton East will be travelling over the holidays.

As the holidays are approaching, more and more people are packing their bags and heading out to visit family and friends out of state or country. Its also that time to lay back and chill for a bit from school.

In a random survey of 100 Morton east students, 74 students said they were traveling for Christmas to go visit family and friends. According to, it is estimated that over 112.7 million people will travel away from home during the holidays. Compared to last year’s amount of people traveling, there was an increase of 3.6 million this year. This year is said that it is expected to be the third most busiest year since 2000. Also this year it is likely that almost 7.2 million people will travel by plane, that’s an increase of about 14% over the last year. Lastly, even though plane ticket prices are rising people are still demanding flights, which should give people a brief idea of how crowded airports are going to be.

Some students from Morton East are excited to finally have a break from school and go visit family away.

“This Christmas I’m looking forward to relaxing and going to visit my family in Texas that I haven’t seen in years and I’ve missed so much,” said Tamara Saucedo.

Other students are just looking to hang out with their friends and have a good time at home.

“Once my parents leave I’m going to plan a party and invite my friends listen to music and I’m going to try and get drunk off non-alcoholic sangria,” said Ahitza Garcia-Moreno.

One senior has even decided to get creative and remodel her room during break.

“Well I have plans to redo my room but it’ll probably take longer and I’m looking forward to chilling and not being stressed also I want to fix my sleeping schedule but I doubt it,” said  Carolina Leanos.

Another student hopes for seasonal sports with the siblings.

“This winter break I’m reuniting with all my siblings and spending Christmas in Wisconsin at Mt.Olympus resort, and if there’s time we’re also going to play soccer over there depending on what the weather is like,” said Jose Flores-Castro.

Lastly, others are looking forward to working those extra hours and collecting that bag.

“During break I’m looking forward to getting that bag because this break I’m going to be working mostly every day but I’m also looking forward to hanging out with my friends and family,” said Christian Vega.