Worst Tiktok Trends Ever In 2021

Julissa Bermejo and Esmeralda Diaz

In 2021 there have been bad “Tik Tok” trending happening throughout 2021 like the “shoot up your school challenge” and the “magnet challenge”, but it seems like the “milk crate challenge” was the worst “Tik Tok” trend to be known.  

According to the article, “New York Posts” ‘With “Tik Tok” overtaking Google as the most popular site in 2021, the Chinese video-sharing platform unsurprisingly spawned some ridiculous trends this year as users vied for viral fame.

The “milk crate challenge” is the worst of 2021, survey says. In a random survey of 50 Morton East students, 40 selected the “milk crate challenge” as being the worst trend known. 

Additionally, in the article “Junkee”, “The concept of walking across a stack of milk crates actually dates back to 2011, when “JoyRidersTV” Bonus Footy posted a video titled ‘Guy falls off six milk crates’.” 

In the random survey of 50, The “milk crate challenge” was number one, then followed by the “shoot up your school challenge”, lastly the “magnet challenge”.