Student split on costumes

As kids grow older, costumes are starting to become more “optional.” 

When you were younger, you “had to” dress up to either to fit in with your friends and go trick-or-treating, but now it’s not a necessary thing.  

Morton East students are allowed to participate and dress up on October 29th for Halloween.  As long as you have been passing your classes. However, the students that decide not to participate are either not passing their classes or they are working after school and their jobs don’t allow them to wear costumes. Many also don’t dress up due to their religious beliefs. In a recent random survey of 56 Morton East students, 30 students said that they were going to dress up this year and 26 said they were not. Some just don’t dress up because they simply do not want to or because they don’t know where to find costumes.  

If you’re looking for costumes this October and you don’t know where to purchase them from, here are a few stores near us that provide you with a variety of options: 

 “I’m not going to wear a costume this year, and I’m so sad about it because I have work right after school,” Dulce Moreno, a Morton East Journalist said.