Sophomore to Senior Year Movie Memories

JohnAntony Molina

Remember all those super hype movies during our high school years and how every one try to spoil them for us — like Avengers: Infinity War?  Here’s our high school top movies.

Spider-Man Homecoming- We all remember when the trailer first came out and how hyped we where to get a new spider man movie but now that a lot of people have seen it to the point that people think its over rated.

Black Panther-  super hype movie but still haven’t seen it personal but i basically know most of the movie by the amount of post i seen inn the internet and how much people talk about it in school.

It- For sure one of the more hyped movies close to infinity war people talk about how good it was and how scary but in my opinion i feel like it was way too over hyped and didn’t meet my expectations with the hype that came from it.

Avengers: Infinity War – We all remember when Infinity Wars first came out, it was one of the most hype movies when it came out to the point that it felt like everyone has seen it except you and the people who had seen it would try spoiling it for you.

Avengers: Endgame- Has to be the most hyped movie because i remember how much people enjoyed Infinity War we all expected this movie to be even better then the first film, i especially remember when everyone who had seen the film wanted to spoil the ending talking about different characters dying in the film which most of them were not true