What are the consequences of students getting caught with drugs?

Students at Morton East are caught with drugs by the deans about once a week. Some students are caught multiple times with possession of drugs.

According to one of the deans at Morton east, Dean Matthew Dugan, the consequences of getting caught with drugs are typically the same no matter the type of drug.  Morton follows a procedure, “…if we suspect a student is under the influence or in possession we take them to the nurse to make sure their vitals are okay, so that way they aren’t in an emergency. We then contact the parent and typically it is an out of school suspension. The out of school suspension is usually 1-2 days depending on the situation and the number of times the student has had a referral for (drug possession))”

Morton tries not to involve the police unless those who are caught with possession of drugs intention is to distribute the drug they are in possession with.  According to Dugan, they try not to suspended students for more than 1-2 days because, “…we don’t want to punish them (students), but try to get then as much help as possible.”

Most of these students who have gotten caught have been grateful and many of the parents have taken into consideration when deans try to give the students help. Also, Dugan thought that it’s scary that many students consume drugs that they don’t even know what it is. Even though drugs are found once a while it’s not something that its only our school issue, but other schools have the same issue with drugs.