Most students want in-person school; a recent survey says.

Alondra Olmos

The majority of Morton East students want to go back to in-person school and abandon remote learning.

According to a New York Times article, students are facing the challenge of remote learning. In all U. S. schools were closed when we were called to go under quarantine. When the pandemic started students had to go on remote learning to protect students. Which it has affected students in many ways. In a random poll 50 Morton students 36 students said that they would prefer to go to school in person (85.7% voted to go back;  and 14.3% voted for staying home.) 

“No están aprendiendo lo suficiente, y cuando los estudiantes tienen dudas los maestros no contestan a tiempo y el contacto con los maestros cara a cara es necesario para que los estudiantes aprendan mejor,” parent Tony Olmos said. 

 However, students have been affected in their learning by the problems that arise from assignments that they do not understand or that teachers do not answer on time. 

 “Yo pienso que el aprendizaje remoto está afectando a los estudiantes demasiados en el estrés ya que no es fácil para algunos estudiantes aprender algunas cosas que los maestros nos explican y que hay días en los que los maestros ni explican bien y solo dejan el trabajo para que uno lo haga y eso nos afecta porque nos frustramos demasiado intentando saber cómo hacer el trabajo, y también esto hace que demasiados estudiantes se desanimen y dejen la escuela definitivamente,”senior student Leslie Ramírez said. 

 Student’s keep saying that the classes online are not effective. And, sometimes computers are trash 

 “Cuando tienes dudas no tienes a tus maestros cerca para poder preguntarles, las clases no son buenas y cuando estamos haciendo trabajos varias veces nuestros trabajos no se guardan y las computadoras sale defectuosas y todo esto afecta nuestros grados,” parent and student María de Lourdes said. 

Also, student’s vision is being affected by being in front on screen all the time. 

“Students are spending too much time in front of the computer and this is starting to affect students by having vision problems and having to wear glasses,”  Freshman student Alan Olmos said. 

 Furthermore, students do not get what teachers are trying to teach, they say it is more confusing. 

 “I think remote learning is affecting students because it’s more complicated to understand what teacher are trying to explain,” senior student Anarely Diaz said.