Students enjoy Valentine’s Day

The majority of East teens like Valentine’s Day, but a significant number of us don’t.

Valentine’s Day is the second most popular day of the year for sending cards, Christmas being the first. This holiday has been celebrated for centuries, but it was not always about gifts and love. In the 6th century B.C, roman priests sacrificed goats and dogs and used their blood-soaked hides to slap women on the streets, as a fertility blessing. Though, over the years it has become more about love. A total of $27.4B is projected to be spent on Valentine’s Day 2020. This number does seem like a lot but 45% of adults DO NOT plan to celebrate Valentine’s day this year. 53% of women say they would break up with their significant other if they got nothing for Valentine’s Day. In a random sample of 100 Morton East students, 60 students reported that they do like Valentine’s day.

“I don’t really like valentine’s day because you should cherish your partner every day, not just on this day,” junior Samantha Soto said.

Many students feel the same way.

“I don’t like it because of rejection and it’s not important, every day should be about loving people not just Valentine’s Day.” senior Christian Barrios said.

Although, students and staff members are excited about Valentine’s day.

“I love valentine’s day because it’s a day of love and I am full of love. I love love.” Morton East security Jennifer Gomez said.