Cicero designs their own Nike kicks

Erick Cardenas, Alexis Arellano

We will soon find out what the majority of the community agrees on. A survey was given out to collect data on the demand of Nike shoes.

“To design a product based on the target market needs,” said Mrs. Stefano

Peggy Stefano gave out an assignment to her marketing class that wants to find out the preferred demand of Nike shoes to the Cicero community. The project was given on November 5th, 2018.

“This was the first year we assigned our students this project,” said Mrs. Stefano.

Morton East marketing students took a field trip to watch the Chicago Wolves (hockey).  Afterward, they sat through a marketing presentation with other schools.  That’s when our marketing teachers got the idea for the Nike shoe project.

“We got the idea from another school (that had already done the project), Ms. Stefano said.