Will more or less students smoke weed after January 1?

At Morton East, 15 students get caught smoking marijuana every year in school.  Will that get better once it becomes legal?

In the survey “do you smoke marijuana,” 55 out of 100 said yes and 45 said no, so, in conclusion, a little bit more than half of the 100 students smoke marijuana.  Recreational marijuana can be sold legally to persons 21 years of age and older from licensed dispensaries after January 1, 2020.  Some doctors say marijuana is safe and effective in the treatment of many medical conditions. But, the federal government has not legalized it.

“In June 2018, cannabis, a substance that is present in marijuana received approval as a treatment for some types of epilepsy. I have performed enough research to have an opinion on how this treats certain diagnoses,” school nurse Ms. Hernandez said.

One thing students need to know is that the Federal government still considers marijuana a crime.  Even persons over 21 years won’t be able to carry marijuana on airplanes or across state lines.

“The benefits of smoking marijuana? The food and drug administration has not deemed marijuana safe or effective in the treatment of any medical condition,” school nurse Ms. Hernandez said.

Smoking already causes problems.  Will it get better once it’s legalized recreationally?

“It’s already affecting people, people already (get into trouble) — people are getting locked up in jail.  People using legalized marijuana would cause more problems,” Security from Morton East said.

And, just like alcohol, students won’t be old enough.

“When students act all excited about how marijuana ‘will be legal soon,’ I remind them:  not for them.  They have years before they turn 21,” journalism teacher Mr. Frankfother said.