Are we prepared for college, for the world?

Jessica Fajardo, reporter

A few years ago the College Board leaders argue that to be successful in life and in college the school should focus more on teaching computer science and the U.S. Constitution.

I do not agree that the two most important subjects are computer science and the U.S. Constitution for a successful future, and most of the schools do not prepare students for the outside world.

If you want to be an empowered citizen in our democracy you need to know how the code of the U.S. Constitution works. And if you want to be an empowered and adaptive worker you need to know how computers work. However, there’s a lot of people who became successful in life without education and are now making thousands of dollars.

Ellen DeGeneres one of the most successful comedians and hosts in Hollywood history. Dropped out of college after one and net worth is more than $400 million.

Lebron James made the NBA just after finishing high school. He is now well known as one of the top basketball players who’s about $450 million.

Albert Einstein a German-born was able to develop the theory of relativity. Starting at 12 years old he taught himself algebra and Euclidean geometry.

At 15, Soichiro Honda without any formal education, left home looking for work. After six years of working as a car mechanic, he returns home to start his own auto repair business and establishing Honda Motor Co. in 1948.

A letter grade DOES NOT determine your intelligence, ability to things or your future. Just because you aren’t doing good in school doesn’t mean you are going to fail in life. School might not be for you and that is okay you might be talented in other areas that do not involve getting a degree.