Security guard Teresa Avila retires after nearly 3 decades of service to Morton East

Teresa Avila retires after 28 years of service to Morton East.

As a Morton student, the security guard is a familiar face on campus. They’re the ones who greet you in the morning, monitor the hallways during class, and make sure everyone is safe. However, when they retire, we often don’t get the chance to hear their story or get to know them beyond their role as a security guard. In this article, we’ll dive into the story of a retiring high school security guard who has dedicated their career to keeping students and staff safe. One of them is none other than Morton East Security Guard Teresa Avila, who will be retiring at the end of this year. Morton East Senior Anastacio Ballesteros got a chance to talk to Ms. Teresa, ask her questions, and get her thoughts on her retirement.

Question: How long have you been working for District 201?

Answer: I’ve been working here for 28 years.


Q: Is there anything specific you’re going to miss about working at Morton East?

A: I’m going to miss helping students and staff every day.


Q: What is your favorite thing you’ve experienced at Morton?

A: I love graduation. Everyone is so happy with their families and friends.


Q: Have you considered what retirement will look like for you?

A: I know I’ll be relaxing. I also plan on traveling and maybe picking up some hobbies.


Q: Is there any advice you’d want to share with the Morton East community?

A: Anything is possible. I want students to stop thinking everything is impossible. You can do anything!


Q: What accomplishments are you most proud of throughout your career?

A: Seeing students at the beginning of the year, meeting them, and introducing them to East.


Q: How do you think Morton has grown since the start of your career here?

A: The staff really tries to help out students now. We really think about what’s best for them – in school, in life.


Q: What do you think will be the biggest challenge in your retirement?

A: Trying not to miss my work here at Morton East.


Q: What was your favorite part about your job?

A: Always helping students and staff.


Q: In five words, what words of advice would you leave to the students of Morton East?

A: Never stop. Follow your dream!