Number of parents at Parent-Teacher Conferences inconsistent

Omar Gutierrez, reporter

According to Dr. Parrie, assistant principal of operations at Morton East High school, the number of students and their parents who have attended parent-teacher conferences in recent years has gone up and down.    

  • 398 students had a parent visit in-person with at least one teacher out of 3,220 total students, or 12.3%.  
  • There were 1,025 meetings in total for the day. 
  • This averages to each parent visiting about 2 to 3 teachers. 
  • Teachers averaged about 9 parents for the day, with a range from a low of 0 to a high of 23 parents. 

Here is a comparison to prior years.  As you can see, the pandemic impacted the number of parent visits significantly.  

  • 2021 = 454 (virtual and in-person) 
  • 2020 = 297 (virtual only) 
  • 2019 = 767 
  • 2018 = 776 
  • 2017 = 955 
  • 2016 = 731 
  • 2015 = 705 

Also, teachers at Morton have definite feelings about the importance of parent-teacher conferences.   

“Parents coming in to meet the teachers and talk about the students is so important because teaching students is really a team effort that needs community,” Mr. Dan Bulster, sophomore English teacher, said. 

 Finally, teachers have found that positive collaboration between parents and teachers has provided added meaning to parent-teacher conferences. 

 “I have always enjoyed parent-teacher conference night because my students’ parents have always been great to talk with and fantastic in cooperating with me for the academic success of their son or daughter,” said Mr. Asay, senior English teacher.