Most students not going trick-or-treating

Guillermo Hernandez, Report

The majority of students at Morton East are not going to go trick-or-treating this year.

According to Kids Play and Create, Historically, trick-or-treating was made around the 16 century during the Celtic festival of Samhain. Until now, more than 90% of parents steal their children’s Halloween candy. At first, Halloween was brought to the US by Irish and Scottish immigrants during the late 18th century to the early 19th century.  In a random survey of 42 Morton East students, 39 students reported there were not going Trick-or-Treating this year.  

“Unfortunately, due to COVID, we are not running the preschool this fall.  We will determine if we will run it in the spring based off reports from the state health department.  So, to answer your question, there will be no trick or treating this year,” preschool director Allyson Foley said.   

Many families in the community may have the same sentiment.  

“I like Halloween, but I’m getting too old for it.  I have a little brother that I could take out for Halloween and still get candy, but I’m not sure if my parents will let me this year because of the pandemic,” sophomore student Christopher Hernandez said.  

You could still have fun during Halloween if you don’t go trick-or-treating.  Watch scary movies with your family, or dress up just for the “hell” of it.   

“I don’t celebrate Halloween because I don’t really like candy,” parent Maria Sarmiento said.

But, for many younger kids, Halloween is all about going house to house and collecting candy.

“I love candy, so I’m really excited for Halloween — and too dress up for it,” little brother Jayden Hernandez said.