Teens aren’t sleeping enough

Lorena Cabrales, Reporter

Teenagers aren’t getting enough sleep, and there are consequences.

According to HealthLine, originally, teenagers should get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep. Instead, they’re getting 7 hours of sleep and there’s bad consequences for not sleeping enough. Currently, about 73 percent of high school students do not get a good amount of sleep. It is also, affecting them in ways like increasing their moodiness, having trouble waking up, disinterested in activities that used to interest them and having depression. It affects their way of thinking. In a random poll of 50 students, 40 reported not having enough sleep.

“It’s true because I don’t get enough sleep, and I overthink too much, mostly at night,” junior Kelly Cabrales said.

Some students agree that not sleeping enough is not okay.

“In my opinion teens do need enough sleep because its part of them developing can lead to depression, weigh gain and cannot let them focus on school or themselves. They also start to overthink too much,” Indiana resident Yaxi Amaya said.

Others said it could lead to emotional problems.

“In my opinion it’s bad because it can lead to depression physical and emotional and also exhaustion. It can also lead to weight gain,” Belvidere resident Jenny Cabrales said.

Other said it was unhealthy.

“I think it’s bad and unhealthy at times, but it’s up to what people can support,” Senior Jose Sanchez said.