Senior Ditch Day means no prom

Karina Vazquez, Journalism

Seniors won’t be able to go attend prom if they ditch school on senior ditch day.  

Senior ditch day is a tradition where most of the senior class ditch school. This is a tradition that most schools in America do every year. Some schools do it the Monday after prom or another ing event and others do it before. They usually hang out at a friend’s house, walk around downtown or go out to eat. Every year someone is in charge of picking a day and spread the word around. Majority of the seniors’ ditch and some stay in school.  

“I think that the school shouldn’t do that because that’s something they do every year. If the people in the past years didn’t get in trouble, then I think we shouldn’t”. Senior Carolina Herrera said.  

Although people know the consequences that can happen, they’re still deciding to ditch. 

“It is my last year in high school and I want to be part if the activities that seniors do. I doubt they’re taking away prom for people who ditch.  Everyone knows that that is something seniors do every year and there hasn’t been a problem with that”. Senior Crystal Ramirez said.  

Everyone knows what senior ditch day is and most everyone does it, but there are some people who decide not to. 

I don’t think I’m going to ditch; I find it pointless to not show up to school and be marked absent when you can get called in”. Senior Evelyn Castro said.  

DISCLAIMER:  This MortONION article is entirely fabricated — false.  Be careful of FAKE NEWS!  Don’t spread lies.