Mice nest in girls’ bathroom
April 22, 2019
Morton East High School custodians found the mice nest in the girls’ 3rd-floor bathroom & in the 1st-floor bathroom as well.
Many girls have been running out of the bathroom due to the fact that they have seen many mice by the stalls, custodians have to walk in and try to get rid of them. According to a survey of 100 female students, 89 students agreed that the school should hire an exterminator to get rid of the mice in the bathrooms. Over 75% of the females said that they stopped going to the bathrooms because they are scared that a mouse will try to climb into their clothes.
“it’s nasty, and gross they need to clean the school better and make sure that this doesn’t happen,” senior Candy Flores said.
“I feel disgusted because that is so unsanitary and I would expect maintenance or the school staff to do something about it,” senior Vanessa Perez said.
“Considering the fact that the school has money to renovate they should have money to maintain the school clean, that should be the main priority,” Alexia Hernandez said.
DISCLAIMER: This MortONION article is entirely fabricated — false. Be careful of FAKE NEWS! Don’t spread lies.
Kamry Anderson • May 15, 2019 at 11:15 am
there is mice in Morton East sooooo….yeah I would’ve believed it. The fact that the school faculty didn’t take action right away was pretty sketchy to be completely honest. I like the subject that the journalist chose to write the article about, the headline is believable.
Sharon serrano • May 7, 2019 at 8:42 pm
I find that Morton east has mice is believable, what I find questionable is that fact that there’s mice nest in the bathrooms and no one would notice right away to do something about, i wouldn’t believe this is I was it on the internet.
Dante Ponce • May 6, 2019 at 12:18 pm
This was believable because it isn’t the first time I’ve heard of mice been seen in the school i mean even i have spotted quite a few mice and it should be a priority. The part that isn’t believable is the fact the school would ignore it the school spends quite a bit of money on “useless” stuff but it wouldn’t stand for making girls deal with mice in their bathroom. it sound like real news but it doesn’t fit when it says the school has been ignoring it
Paulina Martinez • May 6, 2019 at 10:20 am
The one thing believable in this article is the fact that there have been incidents where students have seen mice in the school. What was questionable was the “mice nest” in the girl’s bathroom because if there was, I believe the school would immediately close the bathroom until the issue was resolved. If I didn’t already know this article was fake, I would still believe this article was fake.
Miguel Solis • Apr 26, 2019 at 9:08 am
I thought it was real because there has been mad mice in this school. I doubt that there is a nest in the bathroom because they would’ve been destroyed it. So no I didn’t find this real.
Jonathan Ochoa • Apr 26, 2019 at 8:31 am
This article is believable because there is a problem with mice in this school but something I wouldn’t believe is that there is a nest somewhere where they clean a lot there for I find this article to not be true.
Abigail Mora • Apr 24, 2019 at 9:08 am
I find this believable because Morton East does have mice and also holes around every floor. Is rare that we would see a mice everyday, the school is hasn’t done anything to stop this. Also, we don’t only see mice, we could see Crickets, small insects. What i find questionable is why they haven’t done anything to get rid of them? Why they are remodeling half of the building when they haven’t fix this problem.
Lizahirat Molina • Apr 23, 2019 at 11:42 am
During my high school experience at Morton I have only seen mice twice. However, I would believe a nest being found in the bathroom because it is obvious they’re all around the school and I feel like the bathroom would be the spot because it isn’t usually a packed spot. I question if the amount of girls that did the survey were honest though. I just don’t know if they all really saw mice roaming around. If I saw this article I would believe it because there is always some type of animal being posted on snapchat being found in a class or somewhere in the school. Why not the bathroom too?
Bryan Valle • Apr 23, 2019 at 9:27 am
i found that there is a mice nest in the girlss bathroom because we do have a bunch of mice around the whole school and their nest needs to be somewhere around the school. I also question how could there be a mice nest and the school not doing anything about it? i would believe this if i seen pictures and reports about it by the staff.
Brenda Gutierrez • Apr 23, 2019 at 9:09 am
I find this believable how there saying there’s mice nest in the girls bathroom. I also questionable about how could there be mice nest in the girls bathroom like if there were to be mice nest in the girls bathroom the staff should do something about it because having mice nest is a little nasty and we wouldn’t want to have mice nest in the girls bathroom. I would believe this if it were to be sharing around.
Adamary Avila • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:02 pm
What I found believable was mice in morton east. A question I have is why did the school not take action right away after this? I feel like I would believe this article if there was people around the school talking about it.
Esmeralda Morales 3rd Hr • Apr 22, 2019 at 4:15 pm
One thing thats believable is that there are mice in the school because i seen them before. One thing that is questionable is that there is a nest in the bathroom Ill understand a mice but a whole nest is questionable. I would actually believe that there is mice in he school.
Destiny Alonso • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:56 am
One thing that is believable is the mice parts in the school. One thing is questionable is what girls would go into the bathroom that has a mice nest in there? One thing that would be believable is that the school has money to resolve this issue.
Karla Juarez Orozco • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:54 am
One thing i found believable was that there’s mice in the school because I’ve seen mice in this school and I wouldn’t be surprised. One thing I find questionable why should janitors should be getting rid of them instead of the exterminators and asking questions to girls if they should hire them. I would’ve believed because like I said i’ve seen mice in this school and I wouldn’t be surprised.
Stephanie Monjaraz • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:45 am
I found this believable because this school is not very clean and there are in fact many rats and other insects in this school. The thing I found questionable was the statement about how custodians have “tried to get rid of the mice” because clearly they haven’t tried at all since there are still a lot of mice and other insects around the school. I probably would have believed this about Morton if it were shared somewhere else.
Eduardo Ramirez • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:42 am
I did find this believable. But what i did find questionable was if this was true where were all those girls posting “Morton Pride” on snapchat after they saw the mice.If i saw this shared i wouldn’t believe it
Eduardo Chagoya • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:41 am
I believed this because Morton east does have mouse’s. We don’t see them often but there all over the school, but the questionable thing is shouldnt the janitors or exterminators take care of it like right away. I probably would have believed this if its didn’t have the disclaimer or even if someone told me
Cristian Molina • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:36 am
The story is actually believable because the school does mice and cockroaches running around the school. So if a mouse decided to start having babies in the girls bathroom, it wouldn’t that big of a surprise. They could have found somewhere to hide and start reproducing. The story also wouldn’t be too surprising anyways.
Raul • Apr 22, 2019 at 11:34 am
I found the part of the mice believable because ive seen mice in this school before. What i find questionable is why doesnt morton try to get rid of them . I would of believed it because this school is dirty
Noe Pozos • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:46 am
i find this very believable because their are lot of mice and rats in this school, i believe this real but if they get a terminator they wont get rid the fact theirs a big amount of rats and mice in this school
Bryan Marquez • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:34 am
I found this article entertaining because it’s something I would beleive seeing mice here at Morton before, but the questionable thing is shouldnt the janitors or exterminators take care of it like right away. I probably would have believed this if its didn’t have the disclaimer or even if someone told me
Montserrat Tolento • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:32 am
I believed this because Morton east does have mouse’s. We don’t see them often but there all over the school, Something I’m confused is that why they don’t solve the problem by getting someone to get rid of them.
zuemy santiago • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:31 am
i found this believable because i have seen roaches in the bathroom and a mice one in class. but i questioned the fact that why the girls ran away without telling anyone so they could do something about it. like i said i would believe it just for the fact that i have seen one before in class.
Vincent Roman • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:28 am
I did find this believable since the school has its fair share of mice roaming the school. But what i did find questionable was that if this was true where were all those girls posting “Morton pride” on Snapchat after they saw the mice. If i saw this shared i wouldn’t believe this since the school would shut down if we really had mice nest’s
Martha Terriquez • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:27 am
One thing i found believable was when i read the title right away. I have heard that there has been many mice seen in the girls bathroom so i would believe that there is a mice nest.
One thing i found questionable was why would girls run away and not let a custodian be aware for they can get rid of it and this can reduce this situation for next time.
Yes i would have believed this if someone shared it because mice in Morton is a problem regardless.
Stephanie Barajas • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:27 am
I found this believable due to the fact that we do have mice around the school and also the statistics they mentioned seemed real. What I found questionable was that if they knew there was a nest then why didn’t they do something about it. I would have believed it at first because it might be able to happen around this school.
Dylan Romero • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:26 am
there is mice in Morton East sooooo….yeah I would’ve believed it. The fact that the school faculty didn’t take action right away was pretty sketchy to be completely honest. I like the subject that the journalist chose to write the article about, the headline is believable so yeah…
Jonathan Gonzalez • Apr 22, 2019 at 9:40 am
I didnt believe anything since its impossible for the school to have mice nests because the school should of shutdown or closed the bathroom
Demetrio Bustamante • Apr 22, 2019 at 9:37 am
I found believable how no one liked how the school would waste money to make renovations but not hired an exterminator, yet for the mice. A questionable thing was how the custodians would just go to where the mice were at and try to get rid of them, why couldn’t they just close those bathrooms with mice in them. I would believe this article because I believe almost all girls are afraid of rodents like those and how Morton first takes cheap processes to solve problems first rather than going big and doing the right thing.
Jorge Cabrales • Apr 22, 2019 at 9:35 am
One thing i find believable for sure is that there is mice in Morton East. I found it questionable how the school just didn’t do something right away to control this problem. If i were to see this article on Facebook, i would have believed it was true because many students and teachers have seen mice at Morton, knowing that there is more is no surprised. I would of believed it if the disclaimer saying it was false was not there at the end.
Jairo Samudio • Apr 22, 2019 at 9:32 am
One thing I found believable was that many girls run out the bathroom due to the fact that they have seen many mice in the stalls. One thing I find questionable was why doesn’t this school do anything to make it a cleaner place? Yes I would believe this if someone shared it because Morton isn’t that clean.
Consuelo Cuevas • Apr 22, 2019 at 9:21 am
This article is believable because we do have mouse’s at Mortin East we just dont see them as often . I do have questions about the 100 girls being asked how they felt because i talked to many of my friens and no one has mentioned something like that and the mice on the girls bathroom would be something that would be talked about more. If i would of heard about this i would believe it but since i haven’t i do believe its fake.