Lizbeth Martinez is a student from Morton East High School. She is 18 years old, a straight A student, and has been playing badminton since sophomore year. Martinez loves going to Mexico on trips and is such an outgoing person. Outside of school, she loves hanging out with her family and friends but keeps her good balance between homework and having her own time.
Martinez’s says that she is pushing her dream after high school, “to study to be a neonatal nurse but I’m still undecided on neonatal nurse or cardiac sonographer.”
“But these 2 careers got me interested in neonatal because that’s where nurses take care of newborn babies. And I like babies, they are so cute, and I like when I carry them, I always have good arms because I don’t get tired caring around. A cardiac sonographer because I want to learn more about the heart,” Martinez said.
She said she enjoyed school when she was younger since it was important to see friends, but moving to higher grades was an adjustment with sleep schedules and weather.
“In elementary school I loved it I couldn’t wait to see my friends every day and spend time with them. Then middle school and high school of course it was not the best waking up at 7:00 am every day on cloudy and cold days,” Martinez said.
The way Martinez got to experience high school was different due to COVID-19 and ended up being a momentous change. From online learning to moving back in person there were a lot of changes in a short span of time.
She said, “When I entered my freshman of high school, I didn’t enjoy high school the much because it was online, and I didn’t really experience a good freshman year. Then later my sophomore and junior year I did enjoy it a lot because I came to a big school and meet people the I always enjoy being around in school.”
Morton having a badminton team was fun and helpful to her, and it allowed her a chance to be part of sports and competition. Making the team during her sophomore year encouraged her to keep trying out.
“I also enjoy that Morton has a badminton tea, where I’m planning to tryout again since this is my last year of high school,” Martinez said.
Kristeen Anthonsen, a math teacher knows Martinez and her personality well to see what would make her successful.
“Driven, Lizbeth speaks English and Spanish. I know how challenging it is to know two languages as well as she does. She also takes AP Psych, so she must learn more challenging words. I think she would be great in the medical field or in some role where she would have to translate for other people. She is very soft spoken and caring. Both of those professions would fit her well,” Anthonsen said.
Vanessa Rodriguez, a friend, knows her passion for Martinez’s dreams of working with children because her love for kids is great and she is pursuing her dreams of being a neonatal nurse as a result.
“I see her as a neonatal nurse because she is incredibly patient, cheerful, and likes to deal with little kids,” Rodriguez said.
Martinez has a good bond with her two younger siblings, one brother and one sister.
“I’m the oldest and it feels great being the oldest. Anyways, my brother is 14 years old, and my sis is 9 years old. My brother was always chill not a crybaby the much. My brother always loved being in his own world like playing with cars, trains, Legos, him always playing around alone with no company from no one. He always got along with other kids he was chill,” Martinez said.
Lizbeth Martinez has a good goal going into her future and has a great bond with people like teachers, friends, and family, and a good outgoing personality with people and that is why she had a great outlook on everything in her life. Martinez likes also challenging herself and for her to be Spanish her first language and likes challenging herself with herself taking classes. Martinez hopes she goes good with her goals because she’s passionate about everything and her sport badminton. She loves doing that and meeting new people.