Majority of MEHS students cook, fend for themselves

Fabian Mendez and Lynn Galvez

Most students at Morton East can cook for themselves if they need to.

According to “Cooking Facts” by Facts, Humans started cooking 1.8-2.3 million years ago. Additionally, Roasting was the first known form of cooking in the Paleolithic period which is roughly 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C. On the other hand, the earliest ovens dating back to 29,000 B.C. were found in Central Europe. Originally, Chopsticks were created for cooking, not as an eating utensil. Shockingly, Celebratory pies served in 16th century England contained live animals that were released when the pie was cut. Such animals were frogs, squirrels, and blackbirds. Initially, the sandwich was popularized in 1762 by John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. Apparently, Montagu had a gambling problem that made him spend hours at the card table. He asked the house cook to bring him something he could eat without leaving his seat. Finally, the cook presented him with what we now know and love as the sandwich.

In a survey of 10 random Morton East students, we found that 7 knew how to cook at least small meals.

“I cook for my family mostly depending on the day. I do chilaquiles, spaghetti, chicken alfredo and homemade pizza,” Ruby Nino, junior student at Morton East, said.

There are some students who learn to cook for themselves, most stated only when their parents work.

“I started cooking around the age of 12-13; it was kind of my choice and somewhat not. My mom wanted me to learn, so I wouldn’t rely on her as much,” senior student Adrian Jauregui said.

There are those students that don’t have to cook because a family member usually does for them.

“I don’t really cook, just make myself breakfast. I don’t cook because when I get home my mom is already cooking for me. I got to learn, before I move out. Everyone else in the household knows how to cook, lucky me,” Manuel Alvarado, a sophomore student, said.