Best Fashion of 2020 is Bra-Top

Alondra Olmos and Gloria Romero

Bra-Top Craze was the top answer of 2020 best fashion according to Morton Students.  

Form a random survey of 11 people Morton East students/Cicero residents, 6 of them choose the Bra-Top Craze as the best fashion in 2020. Some of the other competition besides the Bra-Top Craze were Pastel Bucket Hats which came in second place with 4 votes and Maxi Faux Leather Jackets which came in last place with 1 vote. According to the “HOW TO WEAR BRA TOPS” by Giovanna Osterman the Bra-Top Craze was very popular at the beginning of 2020. In the past the Bra-Top Craze was considered as a normal bra, and some people would get offended because a woman would be showing too much skin or it would also be considered that she was in her underwear from the top part, over time this started to be accepted and now days is just another type of crop top. 

Yo creo que todo depende que tan larga la parte de abajo, si esta muy corta la mujer esta practicamente en brasier en la calle lo cual a muchas personas puede que les incomode.” Morton College Maria de Lourdes said. 

Some people say it depends on what type of bra top it is other say that it depends on the occasion that they would be wearing it. 

Yo creo que es mas sobre la ocasión. Si una mujer se pone esa prenda para un ocasión a la que se tiene que ir muy formal entonces esa persona no se va a ver bien. Todo depende en la ocasión.” Morton student graduate Kevinn Rincón said. 

“Some people may not be as comfortable with the top, that’s why I choose the Pastel Bucket Hats. I feel like you can wear it in any type of weather and not just on summer.” Sophomore Morton Student Kathy Romero said.