Senior year ending different for Mustangs

Ivett Meraz and Arly Hernandez

One anti-social high school year, yet the year to speak on our future the most.

In a random survey of “Feelings of Seniors last year through remote” 58% of Morton East seniors feel down, that ending senior year will end through online remote, and 42% of Morton East students feel fine of ending senior year remotely. 

Initially, many people use to wake up at 7 AM Sharp to get dressedeat breakfast to then be on their way to school. However: This year, we just roll out of bed and turn on our devices and be sure that our home Wi-Fi is up and running. According to Vice is the definitive guidance  “Initially, I found my escape in movies and TV shows, but I really missed sports.” This helps us understand how senior high-school students miss in-school sports. Many of us grew a good relationship with some teachers. Having fun interaction with classmates and teachers. According to ‘E-learning 2021’“I’m also grateful for a couple of my professors and miss their classes in person. “many students actually enjoyed their education and their learning. ‘Tampa Bay Times’ says, “Senior year is as much about dressing up, partying, and celebrating the end of a 13-year adventure with friends as it is about earning a diploma, getting into college or a job, and moving on. Senior year is as much about dressing up, partying, and celebrating the end of a 13-year adventure with friends as it is about earning a diploma, getting into college or a job, and moving on.” We all agree on that, since elementary school and does fun high school movies we would watch as kids, we all look forward to prom and receiving that diploma that we well earned. According to “Class 2021” it says, “I can’t even think of all the things I’m missing out on,” we all consider senior year to be the best year, yet we sit behind a computer and sit on the couch or kitchen table. Many consider this the most exhausting year, in the article “Not going to lie it hurts’ it’s mentioned, “Once we started online, the motivation wasn’t there,” The struggle to stay focusing with a computer device and other distractions around the house is real.   

It’s unfortunate. Seniors will not have the same experiences as other graduates have shared. However, we are looking for alternatives because we still want to make the end of the year special” assistant principal Mrs. Rzadiski said 

There could be possibilities for seniors that will graduate this year, 2021, to have something special made for them. Last year all seniors it felt much more different from them since the pandemic happen very unexpectedly.

“I feel like it’s been boring because it’s not what we all expected it be, we didn’t experience senior year like other people has,” Morton East senior student Denycely Cante said. 

It truly won’t be like how all past seniors, what usually they experience. The pandemic changed and affected everything. Having classes remotely is something no one ever thought would happen.

“I feel kind of sad that we won’t have the experience like other seniors had 2 years ago,” Morton East student Irene Carrera said. 

There’s truly many sorrowful feelings, having a special moment that should’ve happen be changed.

 “Upset, especially since it was our last year going to high school and senior year was supposed to be the best and most exciting year,” Morton East Senior Yuliana Marin said. 

A special and fun memory will sure be different for the class of 2021.