Valentine’s disaster for many

Matthew Anguiano

A majority of Morton East High School students surveyed say that Valentine’s Day has been a disappointment.

For most, not all Valentine’s has been a day for love and happiness. Valentine’s Day is a way to show their partners or loved ones that they are special. However, for the other few Valentine’s has been a day misery and heartbreak. Morton East, for example, students and staff have gone through both events. In a random survey of 210, Morton East students and staff 70% reported that they have been dumped on Valentines.

“ I spent valentines with my girlfriend and we had a wonderful time watching movies and eating pizza,” says senior Josh Sanchez.

Whereas others spend Valentines enjoying it with another, some people aren’t so fortunate.

“ I was planning a surprise for my girlfriend when I got a call saying that she was cheating on me,” says senior student Victor Ramos.

Though, at the end of the day, Valentine’s is a day of love and appreciation.

“ I always get a Valentine’s gift from my mom and I try to surprise her with a gift to show her that I also care,” said sophomore Jance Méndez.