Photo Essay: Undergraduates Ready?

Hector Perez and Anthony Ambriz

FILE YOUR FAFSA: Filling out your FAFSA is a major step if students are considering going to college. FAFSA opens October 1st and the deadline goes up to June 30th.
RESEARCH THE SCHOOLS: Research is a long but important process in looking for a college. It takes time and patience to know what you want. You also have to consider your financial status and your wants.
SHORTEN THE LIST: To make the process a little easier, knock down schools you’ll most likely not be going to. Then, seek for further information on the schools you have down on your list.
MAKING A DECISION: Congratulations! Now that you have been accepted by a school or several schools, it’s time to make a decision. School often pressure you to make your decision. However, National Decision Day, which is May 1st, is the final day for students to make their decision.