Tie game: Cubs versus Sox

Sox win, but just barely, at Morton East.   It’s pretty much a split decision when students are asked which Chicago team they prefer:  Cubs or the White Sox.

102 Morton East students were surveyed in a random survey on whether they preferred the Chicago Cubs or the Chicago White Sox.  52 students said they liked the White Sox while the other 49 said they liked the Chicago Cubs more. Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the United States. Chicago has two main baseball teams which are the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Cubs. The Chicago Cubs have won the World Series in the years 1907, 1908, and 2016. The Chicago White Sox won the World Series in 1907, 1917 and 2005. Both teams have their good moments and bad moments but are they equally liked?

“I grew up going to Cubs and watched them entire life and I still frequently attend games. They will always be my favorite team,” Eddie Arias, a long time Chicago Cubs fan, said.

Although the team has had its ups and down once it’s a precious memory it will always be with you.

“I grew up watching the Sox win many games and win the 05 World Series and also attended the parade,” senior Aurelio Servin said.

Many people recently started to join the bandwagon of the Cubs after the World Series.

“The world series of 2016 was my first game that I watched, and I saw the Chicago Cubs win and after that, I started to enjoy watching their games,” student Braulio Servin said.