Students will be checked before school

Sebastian Guzman and Adrian Nava

Students won’t be able to take backpacks in the bathroom and will be checked. 

Boys are most likely to get caught smoking in school. This study examined how perceptions of student smoking in the school environment and the actual smoking rate among senior students at a school are related to smoking onset. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was used to examine correlates of ever smoking in a sample of 4,286 grade 6 and 7 students from 57 elementary schools. Tobacco cigarettes: Nearly 90 percent of adult smokers began smoking before age 18 and 9.7 percent of high school seniors reported smoking in the last month. In a random survey of 50 Morton East students, 15 said they have smoked in the bathroom. 

“I smoke in school because it helps me focus and I do all my work” Senior at Morton East said. 

Some students do it to focus but it is still a bad thing to do in school. If they must smoke, they should do it before school. 

“Sometimes I just get bored in class and go to the bathroom to smoke” junior at Morton East said. 

Students shouldn’t be smoking just because they’re bored. They should do work for other classes if they don’t have nothing else to do. 

“My friends and I already know what time to go to the bathroom to smoke.” Senior at Morton East said. 

I feel like security should check the bathrooms every period to stop this from happening because it probably happens every day. 

DISCLAIMER:  This MortONION article is entirely fabricated — false.  Be careful of FAKE NEWS!  Don’t spread lies.