Morton East Daycare Closing

Daycare is finally closing at Morton East .

Approximately 40 girls get pregnant every year due to being sexually active. Morton east high school provides a day care center for the teenage mothers here at this school which provides help while they finish their high school career. The day care serves over 780 families in 4 different districts, the percentage of teenage pregnancies goes up every year.  

“I think it would be problematic because mothers who want to continue their education wouldn’t be able to take care of their kids if they don’t have someone to help them take care of their kids because they might be busy too. “Morton East Senior Yvette said 

Some people believe that the process of closing the daycare would be a positive reinforcement.  

closing the daycare saves the school money and makes space to have it be used for other things” Morton East Senior Allen said  

While the closing of the daycare may bring benefits for the school it may be overwhelming for the mothers and nerve-racking.   

“closing the daycare will cause problems with the mothers learning and affect them by not focusing the way they supposed to by always being worried that their kids’ well being if they aren’t near the mothers.” Morton East Senior Adan said 

If there wasn’t an improvement in the school there wouldn’t be any help and support, the girls wouldn’t be able to rely on the help the school provides. Therefore, there wouldn’t be as many pregnancies as there is a year.   

DISCLAIMER:  This MortONION article is entirely fabricated — false.  Be careful of FAKE NEWS!  Don’t spread lies.