Less than half of teachers trick or treat
October 30, 2019
Less than half of the teachers at Morton will trick or treat this Halloween.
A survey was given to 100 Morton East teachers: 39 teachers out of 100 said they take their children to trick or treating. According to the parents, “it’s a fun tradition and there’s no harm as long as the kids understand that it’s all make-believe. We always make sure that their costume is tasteful and warm (it gets cold here) and that they stay with an adult”. Ninety-nine percent of those parents surveyed feel it is unsafe for children under 8 years of age to trick or treat without a parent. 94% feel it is unsafe for children under the age of 11 to go out by themselves. CPSC strongly suggests that parents always accompany their children. Of course, some kids become mature to trick or treat.
“I don’t take my daughter to trick or treating anymore because she says she’s already old to go trick or treating,” counselor Ms. Adriana McCormack said.
For others, it’s a family tradition.
“Of course I do (take the kids trick or treating),” history teacher Mr. Yanez said.