So, you want to be a Drywall Hanger?
May 15, 2019
So, you want to be a drywall hanger?
Construction is a high demand job and drywall hanging is part of that category. Drywall is a type of board made from plaster, wood pulp, or other materials, used especially to form the interior walls of houses or any type of building. Installing drywall requires many skills and strength. All you need to be a drywall hanger is a high school diploma. Some companies offer certificate programs but it depends on the state that you live in
The person I interviewed was my uncle Luis Gomez. He has worked in this industry for a long time and is considered a professional at his job.
Tell me if you do something different in your work that others do not do?
The only thing that is different in my job are the tools that we use. Other than that everything else is the same. The effort and inspiration to be better the next day follow the workers since it’s a competitive pay.
What is necessary to work on this work in personality?
You have to be a responsible and versatile person, you also need strength but you acquire that by working. If your supervisor can’t make it work someone will be in charge of the group. The group needs to finish a certain percentage of the work on that day. If they don’t then that person won’t be trusted as much anymore.
How much work security is there in this type of work?
There is a lot of work in this area since people want to remodel or houses are being built. It’s all demand and supply in this area.
What other jobs can you do with what you have learned in your work?
Well, frankly any other construction work or anything that requires strength, speed, and will also have the skill to use some power tools.
What are the biggest challenges in your work?
The biggest challenge is getting people to stay, everyone wants work but doesn’t want to actually work. Every month new people come in for about 2 days and never come back since they can’t handle the work. All they need it more practice and they will soon be used to and want to keep working at this job.
Are there opportunities in your work? How do they start in this job?
You start off by communicating with someone in this job or you could contact any company that does drywall and I’m sure there are some openings.
How long have you worked in this job?
I have worked in this job for about 15 years now.
Do you like your job?
Frankly, at first I didn’t love it but as time went on it grew on me since I started getting used to the work. At first, it was hard because I was new but after a year my skill grew and I got used to the work.
How much time did I take to learn everything I needed?
It took me about one year for me to learn everything I needed to learn and a little bit more but I have some workers that learn really fast. The fastest I’ve seen is 3 months, it all depends on what drives you and what motivates you.
How many workers can hold this job?
I’ve had about 10 workers but when I first started I was alone and it was hard but people started looking for jobs and I offered them one.