The Hard Work Behind Your Yearbook
Yearbook advisor and journalism teacher Ms. Candice Daly answered some questions about putting together the yearbook and the upcoming release of the new one.
Question: How do you decide the theme of the yearbook?
Answer: We decide the theme of the yearbook by holding contests between my yearbook classes and classes at West. Students work in small groups, present their ideas, and then we vote on the one that fits the school year best.
Q: What amount of work goes into the yearbook?
A: A lot! I think people don’t always realize this. We have to interview, write articles, take or use pictures from the school, write captions, and create the spreads for the book. Behind the scenes, there is much more that goes on that the yearbook advisors need to do, such as editing the book and more.
Q: What are some of the bad and good ideas for the yearbook?
A: I do not see too many bad ideas, but we try to stay away from ideas that are too cliché or overdone. We also try to be as original as possible and avoid themes or ideas that we’ve done in the recent past. Many of the great ideas are very personalized to the student body and represent their memories, generation, and the general vibe of that school year.
Q: How many yearbooks did you order?
A: We only ordered 600 between East and West!
Q: When could we start ordering the yearbooks?
A: Yearbooks can start being ordered at registration for a discount. The price goes up after homecoming. It is best to order early, but we sell books up until we hit 300. So, in reality, books can be preordered anytime from the cashier’s office or online.