Many Morton East students celebrate the New Year in similar yet diverse ways! A lot of students at Morton East celebrate New Year’s with their families, friends, and loved ones.
In a random survey, we interviewed a class and asked them to raise their hands to see if they ate twelve grapes on New Year’s Eve. Seventeen out of twenty-one students raised their hands. This is one of the many traditions Morton East High School students celebrate. Another tradition, which is common in many parts of the world, involves running outside with a suitcase when the clock strikes 12:00. Ten students out of the twenty-one raised their hands. This tradition is thought to help bring a year filled with trips and new destinations by running with an empty suitcase.
In another class, we asked students to share some of their own traditions. One student shared that once the clock hits 12:00, they exchange gifts and say one thing they were grateful for that year, and one thing they want to accomplish in the coming year.
We also interviewed two Morton East security staff members, and both had similar New Year’s resolutions. One stated that her resolution was to save more money and have more self-discipline. When asked if she had a New Year’s family tradition, she said that she and her family watched the New Year’s countdown and ate twelve grapes as soon as it struck 12:00.
In our interview with another Morton East security guard, we asked if he had a New Year’s resolution. He shared that his resolution was also to save money and focus on understanding the difference between “needs” and “wants.” When we asked how he planned to keep his resolution, he said he would put money from his paychecks into his savings account and ration what he buys, opting for cheaper options when available. Lastly, we asked if he had a family tradition for New Year’s. He shared, “My father passed away on New Year’s, but we really haven’t had a New Year’s tradition. We spent New Year’s with my aunt, ate a lot of food, and spent quality time together.”
As you can see, many Morton East students and staff celebrate in both similar and different ways. However, we wanted to learn how a parent of a Morton East student spends their New Year’s and if they have any resolutions. Interviewing senior Raul Medrano’s mom, Maria Medrano, we asked how she spent her New Year’s. She said, “I spent New Year’s cruising around downtown and later went to a ranch to party.” When asked if she had a New Year’s resolution, she replied that she did not.
This shows that while many Morton East students and staff celebrate in similar and unique ways, everyone in the community shares a common goal: to start the New Year off on a great note!