Morton East likes math

Julissa Bermejo and Esmeralda Diaz

Move over gym, math is the favorite subject at Morton East.  (English?  Not so much.)

According to a random survey, 38 percent of students said math is their favorite subject.  The second most liked class was gym with 24 percent of the votes.  The least liked subject was English with only 17 percent of the votes. 

“Math is my favorite subject because I like solving problems, and when I don’t understand anything, my teacher explains it in a different manner, and I understand it when he explains or repeats the lesson.  Math has always been my favorite,” said Freshman Crystal Diaz.  

“(I like math) because everyone hates it and struggles with it, and I like being better. It also comes off very easily for me; it has been my favorite for so long — since elementary,” said Senior Elizabeth Sanchez.  

I like math because I enjoy learning new things, and I like to be challenged by math problems.  I used to like Spanish back when I was a freshman, but it’s become hard over the years,” said Junior Juan Hernandez.  

The majority preferred math, but other classes got special mentions. 

Anatomy is my favorite class because I’m getting to learn new things about the human body.   And, I get to use that knowledge out of school;  I never had a favorite class until now,” said Senior Guadalupe Ponce.  

Many Morton East students always seemed to stick with their favorite class throughout the school years.  

“My favorite subject is gym because I can play sports with my friends and talk; it’s been always my favorite,” said Junior Gianna Rose 

I play the sports that I enjoy. I also enjoy spending time with my friends; it was always my favorite,“ said Junior Aliah Robles.