Students may be having more sex

Edwin Zarco, Reporter

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, relationships have been hit due to social distancing making it difficult for people to meet in person, but this could be changing as people are returning to work and school and  becoming intimate —  from holding hands to having sex.

According to the CDC, in 2019 the percentage of high schoolers that reported having had sex is 38.4%, which is down from 54% in 1991 (Source). Interestingly, this data shows a general decline in the percentage of high schoolers who have sex, but it does not currently provide the data to answer the question of, are students having more sex this year when compared to the last 2 school years. More information is provided in a study conducted by BMC Public Health that found, “Although most youth (69%) were not sexually active before or during the pandemic, 22% had sex during the social distancing period.” (Source). Interpretation suggests that people were sexually active during the pandemic and lockdowns, but how does this apply to Morton East students, and has the percentage increased as students returned to school? To help answer this question, a survey was conducted. In a random survey of 102 students, 71 of the respondents say students are having more sex this year when compared to other years.

“I believe that students are having more sex this school year because lately, I’ve seen a lot more people pregnant in this school,” junior student Mohammad Hamed said.

Other students had formed their opinions with different observations.

“Because of the things that students have seen posting on social media about having sex, I’d say that students are having more sex recently,” senior student Yair Vega said.

Some people aren’t so sure of the true answer.

“We have had a few kids come in the office regarding pregnancy tests, but I don’t know how it was in the previous years,” the new nurse for Morton East, Dawanna Walker said.


Thanks to “Unusual Morton Images” for permission to use a submission.