Students split on college, break or work after high school
May 17, 2021
What paths will Seniors take after graduation?
As Morton East High School gets ready to celebrate and along with their senior, nostalgia fills the air to know it’s their last year and just around the corner their life is about to change. Everyone chooses different paths which can later determine their future. According to it states that 58.7% in Illinois that graduate from high school go straight to college. There’s has been so many things and reasons that many students after they graduate they don’t go straight to College some go to work and some travel. Often times the choice isn’t really much something that they would like to do themselves. Some students come from low-income families and hardly have enough to survive on. Although according to it states that low-income families as well as colored students that graduate and attend college have increased in the past 20 years due to financial Aid help. Thankfully, here at Morton East and many other schools they can receive financial aid that can help them get started and not have so much debt. I conducted a survey in which 54% will be going to college straight after graduation and 46% will take a break or start working.
“Some students have career plans that do not require college. For example, students may enroll in an apprenticeship program to learn a specific trade. Many construction and manufacturing-related careers fall into this category. Also, some students may choose to enlist in the military to pursue a particular career. Other students may say they cannot afford to go to college and want to take a year off, however, it is extremely important that these students explore all of their financial aid opportunities before determining if college is affordable. Many students may qualify for a significant amount of financial aid by completing the FAFSA or the Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid. Also, attending a community college like Morton College is a more affordable option, and many students are able to attend for free based on the financial aid they receive from completing the FAFSA or the Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid.Based on the results of the senior exit survey from the class of 2020, the most popular schools students planned to attend were Morton College, University of Illinois @ Chicago (UIC), Dominican University, Saint Xavier, and the University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign.”Head of College and Career Center Ryan Smith stated.
Most students, unfortunately, don’t qualify for financial aid and have to find alternatives to succeed.
“I took time off to make more money for school since I didn’t qualify for financial aid” Adriana,” states 23-year-old Adriana Guevara.
Joining the army or simply just wanting to work are some reasons why many don’t go to college school.
“A common reason I heard was “I’m going to work to save up for college,” so students would put off going to school for a while. Or they would say they are going to start working full-time or join the armed forces so they wouldn’t go to college,” Morton East teacher Brenda Lopez said.
Some people try College but simply decide it’s not for them.
“I tried college for one semester realizing it wasn’t for me, so, then I left and joined my father’s shop,” 19-year-old Osiel Vasquez stated.
Although we are unaware of what the future has in store for the Class of 2021, all we can do is cheer and celebrate their accomplishments. Leaving behind unforgettable stories, pictures, and memories.