Would you like to bring your pet to school?
February 5, 2019
Bring your pet to school day can be a very exciting day for many students and staff, but not so much for others at Morton East.
In order to bring your pet to school there should be rules and restrictions. Agreements should be sought from parents, principal/deans and students. Once the pets are in the building, students need to be in full control of their pet and need to take full responsibility of their pet actions. Only certain type of pets should be allowed in school but that is decided by the principals/deans. In a random survey of 115 Morton East students, 78 students reported that they would like to bring their pet to school.
“Any pet that is well behaved with other animals and has shot records should be allowed,” said Senior Jasleen Vences.
Pets who are trained and have taken all their shots should be able to be inside the school building without a problem.
“People can be allergic to some of the animals that students bring, it can be very dangerous to those students with allergies,” said Security Linda Bultrini.
This could be why pets haven’t been allowed in the building besides when they bring in K9’s. Having an allergic reaction is a serious thing.
“Everyone should get to see your pet, many are trained, and it shouldn’t be a problem,” said junior Isreal Lechuga.
Many students just wish for a day like this to happen, who wouldn’t love to see what kind of pet you have, it’ll be cool to show off your pet.
“It should be in the Spring time because it’s cold out right now, so I don’t want my dog out,” said sophomore Jesse.
The weather right now is terrible, we can’t even handle how cold it is, and we wouldn’t want our pets to be out in the cold so the Spring time should be perfect for our pets and us.
“If pets are allowed in East for one day, I’ll be mad because in my years at East the only pet I’ve seen were the police K9’s, so if I find out about this I’m going to ‘visit my old teachers’ but, I’m going to see all those pets,” said owner of 4 Wheels Mechanic Shop and former East Student Cruz Martinez.