Students share their opinion about abortions
December 11, 2018
The majority of Morton East students support a woman’s right to choose.
In a random survey of 105 students, 68 students claim to be pro-choice. To be pro-choice means that women should have the right to choose what to do with their body- whether to have an abortion or to keep the baby. On the other hand, 37 students are pro-life; they disagree with the right to choose and believe that the baby must be born regardless of the reasons. According to, nearly six in ten people agree with the women’s right to have an abortion. Between the years of 1970-2014, there have been 44.5 million legal induced abortions. Between the years of 1880 and 1973, abortion was illegal which meant that women died or had live lasting medical problems as a result of an unprofessional abortion. According to a study from, about 68,000 women worldwide die each year from unsafe abortion.
“My thoughts are if the person is carrying the child that the person has the right to choose whether they want the child or not,” Morton East student Natalia Marquez said.
Many people believe that women should have the choice of wanting the baby or not. Others believe they are not ready to have a kid.
“A woman should have the right to abort the baby because they might not be physically or mentally ready to become parents,” Morton East student Ashley Morales said.
People don’t think they can be ready to become parents. Other think abortions are not the right thing to do.
“Abortion should not be legal. A lot of things have to do with things that happened in my life. I understand the woman’s point of view, but I still believe it is something wrong to do,” Morton East teacher Mr. Yanez said.
Gerardo Ramirez • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:21 am
With alter due respect i believe that abortions should be banned, because you are killing a innocent and defenseless baby, and that baby could have possibly had a bright future ahead of them and for someone to just end it abruptly is just plain horrible. I believe that aborting your child is just plain irresponsible first of all when you and your partner have sexual intercourse you should ALWAYS have protection there is no reason you shouldn’t have protection unless you whole heartily are ready to accept a child, but even then why are you planning to have a child at a early age? is it that hard to wait until you graduate from high school? and if you are having unprotected sex and don’t want a child then why are you having unprotected sex in the first place? if your male or female partner is pressuring you and threatening to leave you unless you have unprotected sex with them then just leave them cause that just shows that they don’t truly love you this goes for both the males and the females if you both aren’t willing to accept the risk of having a child then don’t have unprotected sex it’s simple as that. I am sad that my generation is being so reckless and insensitive, you are literally killing a defenseless life and if you don’t care about that future child’s life then i am so sorry to tell you this but, you kinda are a irresponsible person, however, i digress and if you anyone is planning to criticize me then please do it in a respectful and formal matter.
Ramirez • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:12 am
With alter due respect i believe that abortions should be banned, because you are killing a innocent and defenseless baby, and that baby could have possibly had a bright future ahead of them and for someone to just end it abruptly is just plain horrible. I believe that aborting your child is just plain irresponsible first of all when you and your partner have sexual intercourse you should ALWAYS have protection there is no reason you shouldn’t have protection unless you whole heartily are ready to accept a child, but even then why are you planning to have a child at a early age? is it that hard to wait until you graduate from high school? and if you are having unprotected sex and don’t want a child then why are you having unprotected sex in the first place? if your male or female partner is pressuring you and threatening to leave you unless you have unprotected sex with them then just leave them cause that just shows that they don’t truly love you this goes for both the males and the females if you both aren’t willing to accept the risk of having a child then don’t have unprotected sex it’s simple as that. I am sad that my generation is being so reckless and insensitive, you are literally killing a defenseless life and if you don’t care about that future child’s life then i am so sorry to tell you this but, you kinda are a irresponsible person, however, i digress and if you anyone is planning to criticize me then please do it in a respectful and formal matter.
Jessica 2 • Jan 10, 2019 at 10:39 am
I agree that women should have the right to choose weather they want to have the baby or not. In many situations the person might not be ready to be a parent for whatever reason and everyone else should respect that because at the end of the day the one who is going to be struggling is the mother.
Lucia Gonzalez • Jan 10, 2019 at 9:15 am
In my opinion I think that woman have rights the right to decide wheter they want to have a baby or not. I think abortion should be legal because many woman go thru a lot and they aren’t ready to have a baby.