Mustangs Girls’ Varsity Soccer Team Go To Iowa
May 19, 2022
Morton High School Girls Varsity Soccer team has a great record so far this year.
The girls’ soccer team played two tournaments: the Windy City tournament and Plainfield classic. In the Windy City, they won two games and lost two games; on the Plainfield classic they won three games and lost one, getting 3rd place overall in the tournament. Overall, the girls’ soccer team has played 13 games and won 10 games and lost 3. Their winning strike was 3. In their upcoming tournament they will be going to 2022 adidas tournament of champions in Iowa on April 28 thru April 30. This is the first time they will be out of state for a tournament this season. They will be playing 3 games against Moline, Muscatine Iowa, and Richwoods Peoria.
Who are the key players on the team and do they have a hard time?
“I think our outside mids have the most important role in our team because they have to be there for our defenders and our forwards too. They have that constant need to go up and down the field and take over to cover for those spaces when any of our other players attack a play,” sophomore Aaliyah Xiomara Leaños said.
Others think differently.
“Everyone plays a very important role on our team. But I would probably say our coaches because without them we would not have any organization and no guidance,” freshman Stephanie Salmeron said.
The girls have lost 3 games, but how do they keep their team spirits up?
“I think that we just try to reflection what went wrong and what has to be better and not have them well too much on the loss but think about the next game,” junior Citlali Chavez said.
As well, some have different ways to cheer each other up by setting goals for the next game.
“To bring everyone’s spirit up after a loss we always come back harder next game. We motivate each other and we strive to win,” senior Vitoria Ferrer said.
Rigorous training and coaching helps the girls continue to improve as a team.
“(I think that it’s important to) push through even while I am tired. My performance comes mentality as much as it does physically so work through the harsh weather, soreness and tiredness has helped me improve as a team player,” senior Vitoria Ferrer said.
Also, physical workouts are very essential.
“The cardio room times and the running have gotten me in more shape. Coming from not playing as much as the other girls did off season, the running has definitely helped,” junior Citlali Chavez said.
It’s important to do well in school. Mustang athletes have to maintain a high “C” to play. This takes some planning if you are going to be missing classes because of tournaments.
“We let our teachers know we’re going to Iowa. Our coach even gave us a letter for them saying to give us the assignments they’ll be discussing ahead of time so we won’t be behind, “Junior Stephanie Quevedo said.
Another player agrees.
“I don’t think I will be behind in schoolwork once we get back because we have designated study times throughout the day to get as much work done as possible,” freshman Stephanie Salmeron said.
According to “Fun Facts about Soccer you may not know” from Grasshopper Soccer, historically, no one knows who created soccer, but the earliest versions of soccer can be traced back 3,000 years. Over time, soccer is played in many places in the world and in some countries is known as “football”. Usually, soccer is played on turf grass. The field is rectangular and must be between 100 and 130 yards long and 50 to 100 yards wide. In addition, soccer games are 90 minutes long and it’s divided into two 45-minute halves.