LIVING THE LIVE….Chicago is a place where you would most likely go and enjoy yourself either with a friend or by yourself. Many of these people would come here for a ride on their bikes, skateboards or just old fashion walking and many would come home with an empty wallet due to the shops around the city. (Rafael Gallegos)BEST PHOTO SPOT…Tourist gather around to take photos in one of Chicago’s most notorious locations, Millennium Park, while the sunsets. In a recent survey done by CBS Chicago 12.9 million people visited Millennium Park in the second half of 2016 alone. (Jose Munoz)Remember when you could crowd around the Bean for a photo? It offers a view of the world that is a little distorted.
It’s crazy how the Millennium Park was always packed and know whit this virus we can’t go out and go walk or ride in their bike or skateboards hope this virus gets settle.
mayari • Apr 21, 2020 at 12:01 pm
It’s crazy how the Millennium Park was always packed and know whit this virus we can’t go out and go walk or ride in their bike or skateboards hope this virus gets settle.
Ms. Baxter • Apr 20, 2020 at 10:42 am
I really enjoyed this photo essay and can’t wait until things go back to NORMAL!!