Majority of MEHS students vaccinated
February 23, 2022
83 percent of Morton East students have been vaccinated for COVID-19, survey says.
In a random survey of 100 Morton East students, “Have you gotten the Covid-19 vaccine? “Students reported that 52% of students have gotten 2 shots of covid vaccine as well as 3% of student have gotten one shot, 28% has gotten the booster shot and 17% of students haven’t not gotten vaccine.
According to Corona Virus Utah. Gov “7 Facts About Vaccines” the COVID-19 vaccines don’t contain any part of the live virus so it can’t cause you to get COVID. So, it means you get the vaccine, you are yourself and protecting others, so they won’t get affected by COVID. After you get the vaccine, you will start to get side effects, like a sore arm or fever. All of these are normal and common. Scientists around the world have been working for years to get the vaccine right and to make it safe and effective vaccine so it could be available very quickly. Data has shown that the vaccines are effective against the strains we’ve seen so far from the virus that has causes of COVID-19.
When you get your vaccine, you are required to have your vaccine card with you in some places to go in because they don’t want you to put people on danger because you haven’t had your vaccine shots or your mask on. People who are against the COVID-19 vaccine think that if you get the vaccine shot you may get sick, and you may die, they will bring unimportant information about the vaccine because they listen to the fake news social and will try to tell you that they don’t recommend you getting the vaccine because it’s dangerous.
“I think everyone should get the vaccine because it will prevent the spread of COVID 19. While most people are not getting as sick, there are still hospitals at full capacity. I think it’s irresponsible to place yourself in danger knowing that resources are scarce, and hospitals are super short staff right now. I think it’s especially disrespectful to people in the medical field,” Economy and Civics teacher Ms. Sandoval said.
Another student feels the same way.
“I think people who haven’t gotten vaccinated should definitely consider getting vaccinated, although some people will be scared, they should think about others and fine more information about the vaccine so they can have a better perspective on it,” junior student Stephanie Quevedo said.
Others describe their side effects.
“For the first vaccine I didn’t have any side effects. But for the second I only had a headache and was very tired, so I just took a nap and felt better the next day. My arm was sore for both vaccines. Overall, it was not all that bad,” senior student Victoria Ferrer said.
While other students got a different side effect.
“Yo si tuve el covid y me penso adoler la garganta, me daba escalofrios, y no tenia mucho petito. Me sentia muy debil mi cuerpo me dolia mucho,” senior student Evelyn Duran.
Others explain why they have not gotten covid shot and how it will give you a bad side effect.
“Creo que covid te dará un efecto secundario malo y no deberíamos tenerlo porque podemos morir o tener algo dentro de nosotros donde nos puedan rastrear,” an anonymous Morton East student said.
Students believe that covid is not real.
“Yo siento que todo esto de el Covid es una mentira, no entiendo por que debemos que usar mascaras? Es algo que yo no creo en,” an anonymous Morton East student said.
While others believe Covid is real and describe how they keep others safe.
“Tener la máscara puesto todo el tiempo. Cuidarse como limpiarte las manos cada vez que puedas, no estar muy serca de las personas toma tu distancia,” senior students Mari Ramirez said.
Student said what they feel about people who don’t believe in covid.
“Bueno, no sé, creo que está mal que no hayan recibido su vacuna, pero todos toman su decisión” senior student Ismael Ruiz said.
andrea cardenas • Apr 6, 2022 at 3:02 pm
i feel like students should get vaccinated so that they dont end up in the hospital when they do catch covid.