Take care, Mr. Bays
May 17, 2021
This year 2021 Robert Bays will be retiring from Morton East, Mr. Bays has been a teacher for 25 years while at Morton East high school, throughout his time teaching Mr. Bays has taught AP language, Sophmore English as well as Psychology.
Question: Did you partake in clubs and activities for Morton?
Answer: For several years, I was the faculty advisor for the “Morton News.” At one point, I also was the faculty advisor (along with Mr. Doherty) of the Guitar Club.
Question: How long has your career been teaching?
Answer: I have taught here full-time for 25 years and I subbed for 2 1/2 years before that.
Question: What will you the most from teaching at Morton East?
Answer: I will miss working with my students and my colleagues.
Question: What classes have you taught throughout your career?
Answer: I teach AP Language and sophomore English. For many years, I also taught Psychology.
Question: Do you any retirement plans in mind after this school year ends?
Answer: I have no firm plans at this point.
Question: Any advice to students who plan to be teachers in the future?
Answer: In college, learn your subject thoroughly and try to get some experience working with young people (to be certain this is what you want to do). Once you start in the profession, find good mentors and learn everything you can from them.
Question: Did you have a favorite year at Morton?
Answer: I very much enjoyed my career here, but no one year stands out.
Kathryn Ruddy-Estenssoro • May 19, 2021 at 8:00 am
Mr. Bays, I am so happy for you, and I look forward to seeing your next play! Stay in touch, and may your life be filled with blessings. <3