Bon voyage, Mr.Castrogiovanni!
May 3, 2021
This year Barry Castrogiovanni is retiring from Morton East. Mr. Castrogiovanni taught at East for 24 years. During that time, he worked as the driver’s ed/leadership teacher. He also coached football for 11 seasons and coached wrestling for 23 seasons (5 of which he was the head coach).
Q: What are your plans after you retire?
A: Sleeping, traveling, playing with my golden retriever, working out, and spending more time with my wife and son.
Q: What was your favorite thing about teaching at Morton East?
A: Great facilities for P.E. and athletics. I loved coaching football (11 seasons) and wrestling (23 seasons). The wrestling team broke some school records in the 5 years that I was the head coach. (I coached a total of 63 seasons. I coached at 5 other schools before Morton. Football, wrestling, and baseball.)
Q: What was your least favorite thing about teaching at Morton East?
A: Rush hour traffic. It gets worse every year.
Q: What will you miss about teaching at Morton East?
A: The students. I have met so many great people. I hope that my influence has been positive. Also, the great teachers that I have been fortunate to work with.
Q: Are you retiring with any other teachers?
A: Ms. Strandt and Ms. Olmstead in P.E.
As your former student, I just want to say it was an honor having you as a teacher. Congratulations on your retirement. Morton East will miss you!
Mario Mansiet • Aug 24, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Have Fun Coach forever. Enjoy your Family. I will be doing the same soon. I’ve been blessed to retire early too.
Mario from Hubbard High