Vape sensors coming to Morton High schools
April 22, 2019
Next year, Morton High Schools (Morton East and Morton West) will install vape sensors in the bathrooms.
Beginning of the 2018/19 school year at the Morton High schools, administrators saw a dramatic rise in student misconduct involving vaping. This led to an increase by 15% of given suspensions to students for vaping within school grounds. Also, with such activity commonly occurring led to messier unsanitary conditions in the bathrooms. In a random survey of 100 Morton East students, 15 students reported they have vaped at least once in a school bathroom.
“I have seen many students during lunch hours vape in the bathroom stalls, making the bathrooms very crowded and unpleasant,” senior Christian Gutierrez said.
Nonetheless, students aren’t the only ones to witness this activity, but teachers as well.
“I have had numerous students ask for bathroom passes, when they return abnormally squinting and coughing,” journalism teacher Kent Frankfother said.
Administrators and staff are very disappointed with this activity, but janitors are infuriated with the conditions they have to cleanup.
“I’ve had many instances where students throw used vape pens into the urinals, which is disgusting and no one should have to clean that up,” maintenance staff Gilberto Vasquez said.
DISCLAIMER: This MortONION article is entirely fabricated — false. Be careful of FAKE NEWS! Don’t spread lies.
Kamry Anderson • May 15, 2019 at 11:40 am
This article was believable because I, myself have witnessed people vaping in the bathroom, also there was a picture floating around that in west they already had the vape sensors. This article is questionable though because I don’t think anyone would just leave their vape in the toilet. i also think morotn cant afford it.
Enrique burgos • May 13, 2019 at 10:57 pm
I could believe them put smoke detectors but the article lost me when they said student threw the pens in the toilet no just no stop it
Jalen Jones • May 10, 2019 at 11:21 am
I would believe that Morton would install vape sensors, since they were just installed at west campus. But, Frankfother’s quote doesn’t sound realistic so I wouldn’t believe that part. Overall, i’d probably believe this article if I saw it somewhere.
Nathaly Hernandez • May 10, 2019 at 8:39 am
I believe they are installing sensors because they installed them at west already. I do not believe the quotes. I would believe this if it were shared with me.
Isaac Carnalla • May 9, 2019 at 1:49 pm
I like to believe the article is true because everything the students are talking about is actually going on in vaping has became such a big thing and many people are getting consequences for it and not only here at school this is a world wide issue. I would believe this article because there has been talk of that over the last few months especially and there is so much truthful information in the article
Jonathan Gomez • May 9, 2019 at 10:48 am
I do believe vapin has increased throughout the last months. And suspensions have increased as well. Vapin pens throw out sounds like a total lie. I would’ve believe this because I know that this talk has been brought out to administrators desk.
Sharon serrano • May 7, 2019 at 8:24 pm
What I find believe is that fact that kids are vaping because I’ve seen it happen, what i find questionable is that fact that they would throw the pens away in the toilet, I would believe if I saw it on the internet.
Dante Ponce • May 6, 2019 at 10:49 am
This is believable because the fact of how many students get caught for using vapes and the fact that Morton west has these ” vape censors”.What isn’t believable is the fact the school would spend so much money just for the censors. if i saw this on social media it wouldn’t be too hard to believe but i would be skeptical
Paulina Martinez • May 6, 2019 at 9:59 am
There was more than one thing that was believable in this article. One of the most believable things in this article was the fact that students are vaping in the bathrooms. I believe this the most because I have seen it while using the washroom. The one thing that I questioned was the fact that that students are throwing their vape pens in the urinals due to the fact that they are expensive and can reuse them. If I didn’t know this article was fake, I would definitely believe this was real because I have seen this issue myself.
Edrian miranda • Apr 26, 2019 at 9:05 am
I find it believable that they would put vape sensors. I find it questionable how they made them. I would not believe this if I saw it on social media
Israel • Apr 25, 2019 at 9:27 am
One thing I believed from this article was that Morton is going to install vape sensors.
I don’t think vaping in the bathroom is the reason why the bathrooms are always packed during lunch hours.
Danny Angulo • Apr 24, 2019 at 10:27 pm
I do happen to believe this would happen. I heard that it has happened in Morton west already. Due to this, there is a high chance Morton East is going to implement vape sensors to the school, most likely the Freshman center and the upcoming West Freshman Center. However, without researching, I would most definitely fall for this fake news, as there is a possible chance of this happening.
Sonia Hernandez • Apr 24, 2019 at 11:11 am
I would believe this article because I’ve seen several people doing this in school bathrooms and some may have been caught, also, many people from west have said that there are vaping sensors in their bathrooms. Even tho it may appear to be true if find questionable why someone would leave their vape pens in the bathrooms. If i would see this on social media I would not believe this because it has the disclaimer.
Rosario Cardenas • Apr 24, 2019 at 10:19 am
I would believe this because there has been several people doing this in school bathrooms, some might have even been caught. I find it questionable of why would someone leave it or throw it away in the toilet.
Adriana Robles • Apr 24, 2019 at 10:02 am
This sounded believable because i’ve heard of vapes being commonly used in the bathrooms and it wouldn’t be shocking if the school would consider doing this since it did sound like a problem, the reason i questioned it and is the toilet part i doubt the students would do that they would come up with different ways instead.
Abigail Mora • Apr 24, 2019 at 9:17 am
I find this believable because I’ve seen students in the bathroom doing this type of things. I’m not surprise that many boys are doing and leaving a mess in the bathroom when the janitor shouldn’t be cleaning the mess they made or leaving empty vape pens in the toilet. I have friends from Morton West telling me they get escorted to the bathroom because of the vape problem.
Lizahirat Molina • Apr 23, 2019 at 11:30 am
I believed the possibility of vape sensors being installed in the bathrooms because it seems like everyone in this school has a pen! It is not surprising to hear students talk about hitting a pen in the bathroom. So I would understand why the school would install sensors. But it was questionable to me when it was said the pens were being thrown into the toilet because you can use them more than once. If someone had shared this I probably would have believed it because I saw a post on Facebook that showed Morton West had sensors already.
Andre Olvera • Apr 23, 2019 at 9:18 am
Something I found believable was the increase in vaping and teacher quote simply because I personally saw this increasing in vaping throughout both East and West campuses. Something I found questionable was the fact that only 15 students of 100 said they vape, because according to the article there was an increase by 15% so there should be more students agreeing to vape on school campus. Yes I would have believe this article was real.
Adamary Avila • Apr 22, 2019 at 10:19 pm
One thing i found believable was that there has been an increase in vaping because i’ve seen people around doing that. What is questionable is that students are throwing them in the toilet because i feel like no one would do that. If someone were to shared this I’d probably believe it.
Brenda Gutierrez • Apr 22, 2019 at 8:00 pm
I find this believable how many people are doing vaping and it’s made a increase for that, but I also find this questionable how people intend to flush their vapes in the toilet and that’s not good because it would make the janitors clean up a lot and have to do a lot of work more to clean it up in the toilet. If they were to share it i would believe it.
Lexis Matos • Apr 22, 2019 at 4:12 pm
One thing that I did find believable was that there has been an increase in vaping because I know many people who have started vaping. One thing I did not find believable was that students are throwing them in the toilet because the pens are reusable. if someone shared this and I just read the headline I probably would have believed it because of the increase of vaping but if someone shared it and I read the article I would’ve known it was fabricated.
Juliana Rodriguez • Apr 22, 2019 at 3:03 pm
This article was believable because I, myself have witnessed people vaping in the bathroom, also there was a picture floating around that in west they already had the vape sensors. This article is questionable though because I don’t think anyone would just leave their vape in the toilet. If someone shared this I would believed this article.
bertha de oca • Apr 22, 2019 at 12:53 pm
There has been an increase in vaping I am not saying necessarely in Morton East but there has been a few. I do not believe that the students are throwing them in the toliet because the pipes are reusable proven fact. i would not have believed for this article to be true from the begining becuase none of what is in the article is true.