How Much do people spend on Valentine’s Day?
February 19, 2020
Many students at Morton East are heavily undecided between whether or not they prefer to purchase gifts for anyone, including family or friends on the holiday that symbolizes love, or bonding. According to a survey conducted, we found that the majority of student’s spend around $15 on average which is split between many students who spend $30, and those who don’t spend any money on Valentine’s Day for gifts. We also interviewed several students who were also split between their opinions on whether they want to spend or whether it was even worth spending money on gifts during the holiday.
“I mostly buy Chocolates, candy, and other things like stuffed toys” Said Morton East Junior Samuel Garcia.
Morton East Staff had a similar opinion.
“We usually go out and have dinner at a very fancy restaurant downtown” Said Security Guard Louis.
On this occasion, Morton East student had a much different outlook.
“I prefer to stay at home and relax with my family instead of going out to eat or buy candy” Said Morton East Senior Jose Gonzalez
In addition, most students at Morton either don’t spend any money on Valentine’s Day, or they spend around $30 on gifts for their friends.
“I usually buy chocolates, flowers, and some nice stuffed animals that usually ends up being around $30”

Roses and chocolates in a box.