Polo G THE GOAT top album for Morton students

Lesly Santoyo & Briana Maciel, Reporters

Polo G THE GOAT was the best album of last year for Morton East students.


According to the COMPLEX magazine,” Polo G feels like The GOAT should be in the conversation among the best albums of 2020 so far—and with good reason. On the 16-track project, the Chicago rapper proves himself as a riveting storyteller, making songs that reflect his painful upbringing, while also looking toward his bright future in music”. When his mother was interviewed by DJ booth, she states “I’m so grateful he was able to turn his pain into passion because there are so many children like him.” Conventionally, when asked by COMPLEX about “where would you rank THE GOAT in the conversation of best albums of 2020?” Polo G responded “I feel like it’s up there with some of the top dogs who just released projects. I feel like it’s got to be considered one of the top projects to come out so far.” The students at Morton East seem to agree with Polo G. In a random survey of 80 Morton East students,33 said Polo G THE GOAT was the best album of 2020.

This album for me had no skips. My favorite quote is “Heaven isn’t the only way we can escape up out the gutter,” off the song “Relentless”. Polo G also talks about drug addiction, lost loved ones, and his struggles growing up in Chicago. It’s inspiring how he raps about “rags to riches” and on his upbringing versus the drug violence and violence he grew up around,” former Morton East journalist student Erin Jones says.

Bad Bunny El Ultimo tour del Mundo came in second place with 20 votes. According to the New York Times, “it is the first LP entirely in Spanish on top of the Billboard 200 album chart. “Bad Bunny being a Latino artist is very known worldwide and Spotify announced he was the service’s most-streamed act in 2020, with about 8.3 billion clicks on his songs.

“Benito’s new album was the best album from everyone else’s because he gives different types of genre in each song he made. He got inspired by his last album YHGLQMDLG because he really did whatever he wanted for this album. It’s different from all his albums. The meaning of the album is that it would be the last tour he would be playing in 2020,” Morton East student Denycely Cante said.

The Weeknd After Hours came in third place with 17 votes. Before releasing the album, he put out a press release stating “Let the music heal us during these dark times. “After hours is his 4th studio album and according to the New York Times article “The Weeknd’s Gleamy, Seamy, Pop Returns “the album is filled with “sparkled trauma, kaleidoscopic emotional confusion, paired with failed state romantic dyspepsia. For the Weeknd, being broken is a kind of thrill, in a way that being thrilled never could be The song “Blinding Lights “ also was number 1 in the country and inspired a Tik Tok hashtag #blindinglightschallenge which include many viral dances and boosted the songs streams.

“The Weeknd provides more of a storyline through music. As the songs progress you can see a major shift in the tone of his music, because of this I think there is more of a variety,” Morton East student Raul Noa said.

Pop Smoke’s Shoot for the Stars aim for the Moon received the fewest votes.

“Most people are jumping on the bandwagon; when it comes to those artist, they are mediocre,” Morton east student,” Said Aguirre states.