Many students want changes to school caf, food

Children and teens consume up to 50% of their daily calories at school. And for low-income children, lunch may be the only real meal of the day. Well-fed people perform better, at work, and school. Although school lunches are offered in several options, there are instances that the foods that are served in the cafeterias are not the types of food that they truly wanted to eat. Thus, children and teens will be tempted to not eat anymore and choose to eat foods that they enjoy. In a random survey of 107 Morton East students, 85 students said yes that the cafeteria and it’s food does indeed need a change.
But some a couple students say the opposite. “The food is good compared to what we had in the past, Its basically god-tier food… It doesn’t get better than this… They are missing out with the food because other schools have it packaged.” Senior student Diogo Sida said.
Another student feels differently about the lunch in the cafeteria, “The food is sometimes good; it fills you up and sometimes it comes out bad… The food needs some improvement… I’m curious where it comes from.” track star Tomas Gonzales stated.
Principal Gamboa has plans to go on improving the future for the cafeteria food. “I’ve done a lot to improve the quality of the food. I love to take student input. We included meatless options for specific kids… Students love strawberry milk… The food comes from Sysco… I recommend it to other schools. [But] Sometimes the food is not always good like the tacos. We try not to overcook food or waste food.”
These plans for the future of our cafeteria might also affect the amount of food being thrown out we keep the employees’ identities anonymous just for the security of their job  . “Kids get the food for free and don’t eat it… so they just throw it out.” a frustrated security guard Herman Mendez stated who patrols the students in the cafe.
Although it seems as if most of our food is wasted, the leftovers don’t always get thrown out, the remaining food is given to the supper program. The grill section workers affirmed “The burgers are brought frozen from GFS. We cook it to its proper temperature and instructions. The remaining food is given to the supper program.” The supper program also known as the after-school supper program was established nationwide through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which is largely administered through after-school programs
This section is not the only one giving to the after school supper program. This program serves the pizza after school and is the most controversial out of all the food in the cafeteria. Former Morton student Sandra Avelar, disliked the school pizza; “The pizza was never good, I don’t know why people eat it.” Avelar stated. Despite the pizza having a bad reputation and having a questionable process, it is prepare normally. The workers in the pizza section state-” The pizza brand is called Big daddy and it’s the crust with sauce and cheese. We just put the topping on. Mainly sausage and jalapeno. The remaining food is given for supper.”