Morton East art students featured at North Riverside Mall
April 11, 2023
WHALE OF A SCULPTURE…Senior Emily Lazcano, along with other Morton East students and teacher Ms. Cantero, are working on painting one of the many sculptures from the North Riverside Mall’s events called ‘Cartoneria’. Edgar Camargo, one of the artists for the sculptures had a purpose for all his sculptures, many of them were based on passed away family/friends and even ones that are still present to this day and wished to restore their design to how it was before, he also received help from his family with the sculptures. One of the sculptures that Edgar was involved in, ‘La Abuela’ was a turtle sculpture that represented all abuelas/grandmothers because in Mexican culture, they are respected, being honored to be as the wisest of the family. However, the turtle/sculpture represented mostly Edgar’s grandmother.