Best 2019 action movie

Kevyn Sanchez and Jose Macias

Our best action movies from last year featured superheroes and violence – sometimes a lot of violence.

The best action movie from 2019 was Spider-Man far from Home with a vote of 31 votes from 54 surveys.

One interesting fact about the movie Spiderman Far From Home is that he is 16. Another fact would be that Spiderman Far From Home came out after Avengers Endgame. The last fact is that the movie made an estimated about $185 million in a week.

The movie that came in second is John Wick 3; it had 11 votes, the movie that came in third is the Avengers with 8 votes, and the movie that came in 4th is Hobs & Shawn with 3 votes.  Shazam! took last place with 1 vote.