Real story behind Morton’s ghosts revealed

(Reprinted from Halloween 2019)

Dayna Contreras and Mariana Franco

We’ve all heard the rumors of a boy who haunts the school after drowning in the school’s swimming pool.  But, what’s the real story?  Are these rumors true?  

 Both staff and students have reported strange paranormal activity along with horrific incidents happening in the old Morton East building — built back in 1894 (125 years ago.).  One of the stories that stand out the most is the story of a high school boy drowning in the old pool that is now supervisory room 115. The teenage boy, Richard L. Jagmin actually drowned in the pool in the new building that was opened in 1968, the year before. He was found dead in the 12-foot section of the pool at 10:45 am in November of 1969.

There are also stories and “ghostly” experiences encountered by Morton security while on their night shifts. There have been rumors that students have heard noises coming from lockers or toilets flushing on their own. Many of the experiences occur around the auditorium; it is said to be haunted by an old theater teacher who died years ago before opening night of a production he was producing.   

So, are these stories true?  In a random survey, 60 out of 100 Morton students believe the school is haunted.
Principal Jose Gamboa confirmed the death of a boy who drowned at Morton East. 

Students and staff say that the old pool is haunted. It was before the 1960s — before all the new additions to the building,” Principal Mr. Gamboa said.   

“I don’t really believe in any being from another dimension, I feel that more than anything it’s something of our imagination that the human being can create,” Sophomore Student Jenny Medina said. 

“I do believe, by the way recently in the bathroom on the first floor, I heard strange noises and I was alone, I told a teacher and he confessed that there are always noises and blows,” Senior student Emiliano Paniagua said. 

“When I used to study at Morton, once I went to the auditorium, I watched one of the chairs move,” Graduated student Hassen Gareth said. 

“In my opinion I do not believe, I feel that for everything that happens there is a logical explanation by which some object may have moved or listen to voices I feel that more than anything it is mental,” Senior Student Yania Rosali said.