Sebastian Cruz
Isaiah Carrera doing the 1 bench max
In the month of September, Morton East students involved in CrossFit participate in one bench max; nearly 50% can bench more than 100 lbs.
In the month of September, students at Morton East work towards feeling their best by exercising diligently and utilizing gym equipment to improve their health and physical strength, Morton East high school is home to CrossFit and Personal Fitness, both have a main goal of either introducing new people into a healthy lifestyle or helping people with an already healthy lifestyle to improve. Some students at Morton East that were in the CrossFit classes were interviewed and asked questions about their personal records in CrossFit for anything over a 100 lb. bench press.
“Arturo Perez was the boy who benched the most out of all my classes, 260lbs, Yuridia Perez and Stephanie Mejia both benched 120lbs,” CrossFit teacher Romero said.
Teachers Romero, Scaletta, and Marentes all lead the CrossFit week
“We have great teachers in the PE department, and I think that we all do a great job at making sure that the students are getting physical activity during the school day and encouraging them to continue being active outside of school.” Personal fitness teacher Marentes said.
Although Some students don’t know about the program offered at our school.
“I think the school can help students more by bringing in guest speakers. Speakers who are successful in their field, such as motivational speakers, former players, alumni, and experts who are involved in sports, fitness, and mental health. All these things can help student’s motivation.” Gym teacher Romo said.
“Being strong can cause increased confidence, improved emotional stability, reduced anxiety, improved cognitive function, reduced risk of disease, and the ability to flip a car,” Cross fit teacher Scaletta said.