People are comparing Fortnite to going to church, or the mall. Players are saying that Fortnite to them is a third place which is a location where you can be found the most. Is there something about Fortnite that makes people feel more socially inclined?
Fortnite does make people more socially inclined because it’s a game for everybody not only for kids. You can either play with friends of choose to play with random people.
People say talking to strangers is a bad thing however in the Fortnite community, every player is there to play the game and have fun. Older players are the ones who help the little kids get wins and make them happy.
Engadget, the company’s CEO revealed that Fortnite now has around 250 million registered players. Not all these players have people to play with, so they find new people and become friends with them.
I have been playing the game for over a year and I have met many people that I call very good friends. For example, I met a 26-year-old from Florida a couple months ago and now I play with him every day. He also gives me advice for college because I want to study the same thing he studied. You can meet good people that can help with real life things.
Some students in our school are shy and scared to meet new people including me. Playing Fortnite is helping me to not be shy with new people because they can become good friends. This can help all the kids who are going to Middle and High school because there is where you meet the most people.